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    Classic Legacy Gamers Introduction!

    ★Forum Administrators★

    Posts : 26
    Join date : 2010-07-23

    Classic Legacy Gamers Introduction! Empty Classic Legacy Gamers Introduction!

    Post by Lloyd Fri Jul 23, 2010 5:12 pm

    RELEASE DATE: Sunday 25th of July

    First of all welcome at Classic Legacy Gamers,

    This server is created with the old legacy gamers files (first p server ever made).
    After we made a replica of this glorious gunz we decided to take it a step futher.

    This gunz has all the latest items + even more customs.
    Also new Quests and a fully working clanwar system.
    But if that wasn't enough we made system so when your character reaches the maxium level (99) you can reset it's level and receive great rewards for it like a complete set, weapons and rings as strong as a level 99 item. with a special color ingame and sign above your head people will see that you went 'prestige', at our website leaderbord you can see exactly how many times someone went prestige.

    And about our donation system:
    You can buy 300 LGCoins a day for just 10 us dollars.
    Our database keeps counting how many coins you bought in total.
    When you bought a total of 300 LGCoins you get the Bronze donator rank this will change your ingame color and on the leaderboard to bronze same goes for the silver and gold rank, only for silver you need a total of 500 LGCoins and for gold you need a total of 1000 LGcoins.

    You can spend the LGcoins you bought in our 100% fully automatic itemshop you can buy items for your self and there is also a gift function to buy items for your friends.

    We give daily events; every day at 20:30 (Europe/Amsterdam TimeZone).

    For a fun and free to play time join Classic Legacy Gamers,
    Have Fun at our server and we hope to see you guys ingame!

    Kind Regards,
    CLG Staff

      Current date/time is Sat Jun 29, 2024 2:32 pm