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    [Tutorial] To help Beginners lead.


    Posts : 53
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    Age : 33
    Location : In Jenna's pants

    [Tutorial] To help Beginners lead. Empty [Tutorial] To help Beginners lead.

    Post by Princess Sun Jul 25, 2010 1:29 am

    +++++++++++++++++++ Credits to Styx +++++++++++++++++++++++
    This whole server is nearly all European and South Americans, so I'll give a quick little tutorial on how to lead them.

    #SectionNumber * Topic

    #001 * 10 - 20 Ping
    #002 * 20 - 40 Ping
    #003 * 40 - 60 Ping
    #004 * 70 - 90 Ping
    #005 * 90 - 110 Ping
    #006 * 110 - 140 Ping
    #007 * 140 - 170 Ping
    #009 * >200 Ping
    #009 * Tips
    #010 * Ranged Weapons Technic
    #011 * Melee Weapons Technic
    #012 * FAQ

    10-20 Ping

    The green character is where you need to hit, roughly a quarter of a whole body. At low pings like 10 - 20 require little to no lead at all. So don't worry about lead shots missing.

    20-40 Ping

    40 ping is where leading is critical. If you rely on the hit counter you won't do nearly as much damage -- half your shots will do anything. Again, the green character is where the actual hitboxes are. Several North American and Canadian pings are around here. (If you live in the US.)

    40-60 Ping

    60 pings are usually from peers on the opposite side of the US. Rarely, a few Europeans reach 60. You need to lead about a whole body for 40/50/60 pings. Without leading, nearly all of your bullets will miss the hitboxes.

    70-90 Ping

    Welcome to European territory. Nearly all European pings will be at 70-90 ping, and GunZ has a lot of EU's. All you need to do at 90 ping is lead roughly 2 bodies to make actual hits on the hitboxes. 70 is about 1 and 1/2 a body.

    90-110 Ping

    Europeans farther away from the US will boarder around 100. I've seen a few Asian players reach this number (Middle East). Leading them are a bit harder than 60-80 ping Europeans in my opinion.

    110-130 Ping

    Australian and farther Asian players have pings ranging from 110-130. 140-150 if you live farther away from them. About 2 and a half bodies should be enough to do damage to them.

    140-170 Ping

    Far Australian & far Asian peers. Try to ignore and avoid these guys, not worth your time.

    >200 Ping

    You kick these kind of faggots from the room.

    +++++++++++++++++++ Credits to Styx +++++++++++++++++++++++

    I don't know why ,but my comp won't letme post pictures.

    Posts : 51
    Join date : 2010-07-24
    Age : 26
    Location : France

    [Tutorial] To help Beginners lead. Empty Re: [Tutorial] To help Beginners lead.

    Post by Legir Sun Jul 25, 2010 1:35 am

    Copy/Paste fails XD Anyway, thank you Smile

    Posts : 53
    Join date : 2010-07-24
    Age : 33
    Location : In Jenna's pants

    [Tutorial] To help Beginners lead. Empty Re: [Tutorial] To help Beginners lead.

    Post by Princess Sun Jul 25, 2010 1:53 am

    You know what screw you. QQ jks. I love you <3.

    Posts : 51
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    Age : 26
    Location : France

    [Tutorial] To help Beginners lead. Empty Re: [Tutorial] To help Beginners lead.

    Post by Legir Sun Jul 25, 2010 2:00 am

    Meh too <3
    Send you the images, PM Wink

    Posts : 30
    Join date : 2010-07-24

    [Tutorial] To help Beginners lead. Empty Re: [Tutorial] To help Beginners lead.

    Post by armo54 Sun Jul 25, 2010 12:27 pm

    Nice but i think theres one with pictures showing where to predict

    Posts : 30
    Join date : 2010-07-24

    [Tutorial] To help Beginners lead. Empty Re: [Tutorial] To help Beginners lead.

    Post by armo54 Sun Jul 25, 2010 12:28 pm

    Ya there is if you need it i will get it

    Posts : 51
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    [Tutorial] To help Beginners lead. Empty Re: [Tutorial] To help Beginners lead.

    Post by Legir Sun Jul 25, 2010 3:54 pm

    armo54 wrote:Ya there is if you need it i will get it

    Already PM'ed Princess with the pictures Wink

    Posts : 46
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    Age : 83
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    [Tutorial] To help Beginners lead. Empty Re: [Tutorial] To help Beginners lead.

    Post by Alper Sun Jul 25, 2010 6:57 pm

    hey never kick me out of a room Sad

    Posts : 33
    Join date : 2010-07-30

    [Tutorial] To help Beginners lead. Empty Re: [Tutorial] To help Beginners lead.

    Post by Nick Fri Jul 30, 2010 10:16 pm

    Nice guide.

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    [Tutorial] To help Beginners lead. Empty Re: [Tutorial] To help Beginners lead.

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