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    Armo's GM App


    Posts : 30
    Join date : 2010-07-24

    Armo's GM App Empty Armo's GM App

    Post by armo54 Mon Jul 26, 2010 9:23 am

    In-Game Name: XxArAm27xX

    Location: L.A.

    Time Zone: Pacific U.S. and Canada

    Languages spoken: English,Armenian

    Activity Time: on 6-7 hours a day or more if theres time

    Age: 16

    What I can do for the server: I can help keep out hackers, Make the game fun for everyone, Host fun events, Advertise to get more people, And help make patches for hacks

    Why I should be hired: I should be hired because i have experience as a Gm and i know all the commands in game, I know how and when to act on a situation, Im very nice but strict when needed, I will keep the server hacker free and do everything i can to help support the server.

    Proof that you have been GM somewhere else: I was Gm on ampz gunz and i left. Ask jenna we were both Gm's there. I dont have any screenshots but if i find any i will add to my application.

    Thanks for the great server. Hope i get the job

    Posts : 93
    Join date : 2010-07-24
    Location : In your room.

    Armo's GM App Empty Re: Armo's GM App

    Post by Jenna Mon Jul 26, 2010 9:30 am


    Reason you not cut out to be a GM you spazed at me yesterday for killing yes you said stop but i was testing your temper you cant have that as a GM here we need professional people not mad people like you Change a bit a re apply

      Current date/time is Sun Jun 30, 2024 8:42 am