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2 posters

    Jur13n dev re-aply.... got the requirments now...


    Posts : 46
    Join date : 2010-08-03
    Age : 28
    Location : gone..

    Jur13n dev re-aply.... got the requirments now... Empty Jur13n dev re-aply.... got the requirments now...

    Post by Jur13n Tue Aug 03, 2010 11:25 pm

    copy paste ftw :$

    In-Game Name: Jur13n (ofcourse)

    Location: Holland

    Time Zone: GMT +1

    Languages spoken: Dutch, English, little bit french

    Activity Time: haha like 2 -3 hours a day in summer time school time will be 1 - 2 hours

    Age: 14

    What I can do for the server: Make maps, develop client (some parts),

    Why I should be hired: hmm because i am helpfull, I can make parts for the client (maps (what should a dev do else =.='), make websites but lloyd is much better then me (A), and lloyd knows me for like 2 year and know my work

    als i have been dev for Restylegunz (dead) had 2 times my own server (both dead)

    even i can finnaly make quests

    and because i know a LOT about gtk radiant (gunz part )
    Programs used: GtkRadiant, Photoshop, Dreamweaver, notepad (its a holy program), java editor

    Proof of work:

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1zXvrMgXxT0 (old one)

    http://forum.ragezone.com/f496/rg_training-587513/(old :S)
    http://forum.ragezone.com/f245/skillmap-v4-jur13n-663157/ (new one)

    for some new work (screenshots) pm me because havent show them anywhere yet...

    Thanks For Reading

    Posts : 93
    Join date : 2010-07-24
    Location : In your room.

    Jur13n dev re-aply.... got the requirments now... Empty Re: Jur13n dev re-aply.... got the requirments now...

    Post by Jenna Tue Aug 03, 2010 11:48 pm

    / Accepted Welcome to the team !

    Your application is being viewed please be patient

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