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2 posters

    [Format] - Unban Request


    Posts : 25
    Join date : 2010-08-18
    Location : Malaysia/Kuala Lumpur

    [Format] - Unban Request Empty [Format] - Unban Request

    Post by dinirah Sun Aug 22, 2010 4:58 pm

    Un-ban Request Format

    Name (ID): (What is your User-ID?)
    Name (In-Game): (What's your in-game account name?) ; (What's the name of your characters?)
    Reason: (Why do you think you were banned?)
    └ Apologies: (If you were banned on appropriate terms, give us a well developed reason why you deserve a second chance.)

    Forum Un-ban Request

    Name (UserName):
    Name (Forum Name):
    Reason: (Why do you think you were banned?)
    └ Apologies: (If you were banned on appropriate terms, give us a well developed reason why you deserve a second chance.)
    ★Forum Administrators★

    Posts : 23
    Join date : 2010-08-13

    [Format] - Unban Request Empty Re: [Format] - Unban Request

    Post by Z1ls Sun Aug 22, 2010 5:02 pm

    dinirah wrote:Un-ban Request Format

    Name (ID): (What is your User-ID?)
    Name (In-Game): (What's your in-game account name?) ; (What's the name of your characters?)
    Reason: (Why do you think you were banned?)
    └ Apologies: (If you were banned on appropriate terms, give us a well developed reason why you deserve a second chance.)

    Forum Un-ban Request

    Name (UserName):
    Name (Forum Name):
    Reason: (Why do you think you were banned?)
    └ Apologies: (If you were banned on appropriate terms, give us a well developed reason why you deserve a second chance.)
    Thanks for this, we'll be start using this right now Very Happy

    Ps. i saw something (there is no admin panel or anything...)
    something is fcked up atm...

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