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    Application Format.


    Posts : 93
    Join date : 2010-07-24
    Location : In your room.

    Application Format. Empty Application Format.

    Post by Jenna Sat Jul 24, 2010 8:09 pm

    :Developer Application Format:

    In-Game Name:


    Time Zone:

    Languages spoken:

    Activity Time:
    (NOTE: Show the time-range that you'll be able to dedicate to developing, in your own time-zone.)


    What I can do for the server:

    Why I should be hired:

    Programs used:

    Proof of work

    :Game Master Application Format:

    In-Game Name:


    Time Zone:

    Languages spoken:

    Activity Time:
    (NOTE: Show the time-range that you'll play, in your own time-zone.)


    What I can do for the server:

    Why I should be hired:

    Proof that you have been GM somewhere else:

    :Forum Moderator Application Format:

    In-Game Name:


    Time Zone:

    Languages spoken:

    English Proficiency:
    (NOTE: Basically... How easy is it to comprehend what you're saying? Grammar/Syntax, etc.)

    Activity Time:
    (NOTE: Show the time-range that you're active on the forums, in your own time-zone.)


    What I can do for the forum:

    Why I should be hired:


    :GFX Application Format:

    In-Game Name:


    Time Zone:

    Languages spoken:

    Activity Time:


    Some works:

    Why should i be hired:

      Current date/time is Sat Jun 29, 2024 3:49 pm