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2 posters

    Botted's GM Application


    Posts : 21
    Join date : 2010-07-24
    Age : 31
    Location : Dude..Right beside you? Are you fucked?

    Botted's GM Application Empty Botted's GM Application

    Post by Botted Sun Jul 25, 2010 3:29 am

    In-Game Name:Botted

    Location: I live in the United States, Maine (Right bellow Canada.)

    Time Zone: GMT -5

    Languages spoken: English

    Activity Time:I can be active during the morning, and night. I should be active whenever, I will let you know when I cant be online, and the reason. I will never "ditch" just to get out of a situation, I will try my hardest to be online as much as possible.
    (NOTE: Show the time-range that you'll play, in your own time-zone.)


    What I can do for the server:I can donate, and help develop this server, and do as much for the new members who need help. I'll also be able to advertise as much as possible. I'll try to do everything to ask of me.

    Why I should be hired:I'm willing to help out others, and I'm a very well rounded nice person and I can have a great sense of humor. I know when to step up, and tell some one they are doing something wrong, and I also know when to put someone in their place for doing so. I wont tolerate rule breakers, and they will be terminated (;

    Proof that you have been GM somewhere else:I have never been a GM before, and this is why I believe I'd be very good at it. I am a Fresh new member who'd love to play as a Game Master in my favorite game, and I'd obey the rules so that I would not lose my position as the greater power.

    Posts : 93
    Join date : 2010-07-24
    Location : In your room.

    Botted's GM Application Empty Re: Botted's GM Application

    Post by Jenna Sun Jul 25, 2010 3:36 am

    /Denied Reason : not active enough
    /Moved To pending discussing with Lloyd

      Current date/time is Sat Jun 29, 2024 3:15 pm