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3 posters

    xKaind - GameMaster (GM) - Application

    xKaind 사라

    Posts : 26
    Join date : 2010-07-25

    xKaind - GameMaster (GM) - Application Empty xKaind - GameMaster (GM) - Application

    Post by xKaind 사라 Tue Jul 27, 2010 10:18 pm

    In-Game Name: kaiserin

    Location: Canada

    Time Zone: UTC/GMT -5 hours

    Languages spoken: Korean, Chinese (Simplitfied), English

    Activity Time: Weekly Arrow 1:00pm-4:00pm GMT-5 Weekends Arrow 11:00am-11:00pm GMT-5

    Age: 16

    What I can do for the server: Moderating and coming up with suggestions for improvement, bringing in a greater flow of players for CLG through alternative (and legal) means of advertisement.

    Why I should be hired: Not being egoistic, I believe I'm self-disciplined and experienced enough to know the exact the role of a GM (whichever game it is). If there're rules set by my superiors (Admins, HGM, etc) , I'd adhere my actions to it, if not, everything goes by the sense. I'm not code blind or intellectually-incapable, thus I can utilize the GM commands efficiently and appropriately. I've some basic understanding of the GM commands for general private servers, but it won't be a problem if there are custom commands in CLG.

    Proof that you have been GM somewhere else:
    2 Months Head GM at BlazexGunz
    staff list Arrow http://blazexgunz.darkbb.com/news-announcements-f1/blazexgunz-staff-t4.htm I'm Shinnie, Owner Contact (email : mocrogunz@hotmail.com . 1 day GM at J Gunz, a screenshot Arrow https://2img.net/h/i39.photobucket.com/albums/e163/Kira_yamato69/donotlook/gunZ.jpg
    3 months Trail GM and 1 year GM at EvilGamerz (evilgunz)
    staff list Arrow http://evilgamerz.net/forums/index.php/topic,47.0.html & owner Joe contact (email : Joe9099@hotmail.co.uk ( # : 87912330 ( website : http://evilgamerz.net/ and i be a Dev for RageZone Gunz bout it was long time ago, proof : Styx-@live.com

    Posts : 53
    Join date : 2010-07-24
    Age : 33
    Location : In Jenna's pants

    xKaind - GameMaster (GM) - Application Empty Re: xKaind - GameMaster (GM) - Application

    Post by Princess Tue Jul 27, 2010 11:10 pm

    /support. xKaind is really trust worthy. She is hard working and shes very nice. I love you.(Jenna is included) Very Happy

    Posts : 93
    Join date : 2010-07-24
    Location : In your room.

    xKaind - GameMaster (GM) - Application Empty Re: xKaind - GameMaster (GM) - Application

    Post by Jenna Wed Jul 28, 2010 1:24 am

    /Moved to pending

    Reason : for quiting the server

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    xKaind - GameMaster (GM) - Application Empty Re: xKaind - GameMaster (GM) - Application

    Post by Sponsored content

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